Friday, July 13, 2012

What A Woman Headed For Divorce Needs To Know

While divorce is difficult for all parties involved, it can be particularly hard on a woman for many reasons. First and foremost, she is often faced with raising children as a single mother or else sharing custody of her kids with a person she no longer respects. If she has been a stay-at-home-mom, she may not have developed the job skills she will need to support herself and her family. On top of that, she may be experiencing grief at the demise of her marriage. It's very important that once the course towards divorce is set, she outlines the steps she is going to need to take in order to cross back over into life as a single.

Many times a woman, overwhelmed with working and home and family duties, hasn't kept up with the financial interests of the family. She may not even know what companies the investments, insurance policies, credit cards, and bank accounts are maintained through. What bank or what broker handles them? If she doesn't know, how can she be sure that she ends up with a fair amount of the assets. It's always good for a woman to make the time to learn about such things while she and her husband are on good terms. That way, if things go south, she'll know what she's doing.

Before she files for divorce, a woman should know where all the bank accounts are and withdraw half from each one of them. Then, when she's on her own fighting for her fair share, she'll have the funds available to pay the bills, hire an attorney, and afford day to day living expenses. If she doesn't handle the situation this way, it's possible that her spouse could withdraw everything from all of the accounts. Even though he will most likely have to divide these amounts at the time the divorce is finalized, she could still spend a long dry spell without the cash she needs.

The lawyer she hires is going to be her rock during the difficult process of divorce, so it's essential to hire the best she can afford. She may already know who the best divorce lawyer in town is, but if she doesn't, she can ask friends and co-workers for advice. This lawyer is going to provide the guidance she needs when she doesn't understand where she stand legally. He or she will also give her the information she needs in order to get an equitable settlement.

It's possible that the woman may also need emotional support. Divorces can be battlegrounds that shatter her sense of self esteem and leave her feeling bereft. A good counselor will give her someone who is on her side, who will not be judgmental, and who will be able to guide her emotionally through the months it takes for the divorce to be final.

Find out how to know when your marriage is over at: or here: Save My Marriage.

View the original article here

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