Sunday, July 15, 2012

The First Place to Start When Trying to Save Your Relationship?

How can I save my relationship? That is a very common question asked by many women. If you are looking for relationship answers online, you are probably asking yourself this very question.

It is very sad when a relationship is floundering. The first inclination is to save the relationship at all costs and to work on improving things. This can be particularly true if there are children involved.

Of course, there are many things you can do and say to improve your relationship. A lot of these things will work in one situation, but may not in another. So what is one sure fire cure that will save or improve a doomed relationship? The answer is to improve yourself.

That answer is uncomfortable because it takes work and effort. If your partner doesn't care or isn't trying to work on your relationship, this statement probably seems unfair. However, this is one sure fire cure that will help solve most problems.

Most relationship problems stem from two simple issues: you have chosen the wrong person or you are very insecure about yourself. Sometimes, these problems are like cause and effect. For example, you may have chosen the wrong person because you are insecure. In such a case, you probably attracted insecure people in the first place.

The truth is that a confident man may be attracted to an insecure woman. That attraction will wane over time as he deals with her insecurities. An insecure man on the other hand will probably enjoy bossing around an insecure woman. He will probably even feel better about himself in the process.

If your partner is very insecure himself and treats you cruelly or is physically and emotionally abusive, you probably shouldn't even worry about improving the relationship. Sadly, some relationships are not worth saving.

Working on yourself will show you whether your relationship is worth saving. As you become more confident and less insecure, your partner will either become motivated to change things about himself or he will be intimidated. If he is intimidated, you will know that you are in a relationship with an insecure man and that it may not be possible to save the relationship.

The death of any relationship is difficult. Sometimes, you need to let go of the bad things in life to make room for good things. While this is frightening, it can be a good thing.

Quite some time ago, there was an insecure woman I knew. She married an insecure man and they had children. When he began to abuse the children and the woman, the woman left. They attended many counseling sessions both separately and together for the next few years.

She desperately hoped she could keep the marriage together. In the end, it was not to be. They divorced. Several years later, she met and married a wonderful confident man. She is now happier than she's ever been in her life and she knows her spouse loves her with all of his heart. If she hadn't the courage to walk away from that bad relationship, she never would have met her husband.

How can you save your relationship? Start by working on yourself first.

No matter how bad you think your relationship is, take some salvation in knowing that love is rarely the reason that relationships crumble. Take baby steps to get you from break up to make up. Don't try to take too big a step and patch things up all at once. That's too much, too fast. Take small steps. Sometimes even small steps is too much at the current time.

In fact, many times, taking a step 'back' is the best course of action. Click here, register for the free Get My Ex Back mini-series newsletter and get a copy of my book "Tips to Save Your Marriage" (free for a limited time). You'll also get access to a video that explains the re-bonding process in more details.

View the original article here

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